Mar 30th 22

Zumic - Concert Ticket Website Example: Case Study

The Background

The entertainment industry is our outlet in these turbulent times. Music helps us distract ourselves, find inspiration, and relax by immersing ourselves in a world of tunes and beats. However, true music fans will confirm that there are not many specialized and most importantly quality resources, where you can read news about concerts of favorite artists and order tickets.

The company Zumic has set out to improve this situation. Their goal was to create an ultimate music news service that would cover all styles of music, giving artists and fans the respect they deserve. A project that brings together the biggest and best tours, concerts, festivals, albums, singles, and live performances. They approached RexSoft with the idea and we got to work.

Client’s requirements

After discussing with the clients their vision of the product, we began to form a clear list of what the platform should be. Here's what we needed to do:

  • Create the best platform for everything about music.
  • Integrate functionality for buying concert tickets.
  • Make a news feed that could be sorted by genre.
  • Develop the most functional admin panel for publishing music news and managing the website. 

The Challenge

Creating a high-class platform about music is a challenge itself, but nothing that first-class professionals can't handle. Nevertheless, some aspects of the project required a closer look.


Ticket ordering service

One of the important features of the service is the ability to buy tickets. We treated this task very carefully because we are talking about potential users' money. This functionality has been tested meticulously to prevent any unforeseen issues.


Admin panel

Management of such a complex web portal is impossible without a feature-rich admin panel. Our experts have made sure that the administrator has all the necessary tools to manage, edit, and add content to the platform.

The Development Team

Zumic was developed by a team of our best experts. In particular, the creation of the project was the responsibility of:

  • Front-end developer. The developer responsible for creating the user part of the app, with which music lovers will interact directly.
  • Back-end developer. This person was responsible for the implementation of elements of the server part of the application, as well as databases.
  • UX/UI Designer. The design specialist is responsible for the visual component of the projects, from the color of the panels to the logic of interaction with the interface.
  • Project Manager (PM). The project manager is responsible for coordinating the team, along with communicating with the client.


Such a portal needs the most advanced technology stack to ensure smooth operation and optimal user experience.


For the front end, we chose the Laravel framework. It is best suited for creating pleasing to the eye, functional, and most importantly fast web portals.

Node js

The most popular software platform for backend development. Based on Javascript, Node js provides an optimal mutual interaction of user and server side, as well as smooth operation with the databases.

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The results + Client Testimonial

Doing entertaining things with a serious approach is definitely our thing. The end result exceeded all expectations. We've got a truly quality music site that includes everything you need for the hardened music lover. A handy admin panel allows administrators to update news without problems, and a well-tuned backend ensures fast performance. In addition, the site has the ability to buy concert tickets, which is also very important for music fans. At the moment the site is successfully functioning and attracting a new audience. The pandemic is in retreat, which means that very soon there will be a real concert boom, and therefore the project will continue to thrive and prosper. 

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